We would like to inform VIRIDI LINEA company will be the organizer of the exclusive
FACE – theoretical and practical postgraduate in Advanced Orthodontics course
2025-2026. Its previous editions in Poland and around the world had great interest among participants.
The FACE speakers will be Dr. Domingo Martin, Dr. Renato Cocconi,
Dr. Alberto Canabez – excellent European lecturers whose courses are extremely popular.
We are waiting for the dates from Dr. Renato (sessions 4 and 5) and Dr. Domingo (session 6). We will let you know till the end of September 2024.
20-22 February 2025 (Thu-Sat), Warsaw – Session 1, FACE concepts and diagnosis
(Dr. Domingo, Dr. Alberto)
We provide Modjaw dynamic records devices at the workshops:
– all participants need to bring models of their own mouths in STL format.
Regarding the models, they should be in STL format and in maximum intercuspation (MIC). Only digital (no need to bring physical models).
Introduction to the FACE philosophy
Concepts of Functional Occlusion: Andrews Six Keys to Occlusion
Digital 2D diagnosis: Cephalometry, VTO, Overlays
Intraoral and extraoral photography
Intraoral scanners and Arc of closure axis recording. Tips and tricks
Taking of centric records (3D and 4D digital)
Introduction to 4D diagnostic tools: Modjaw dynamic records
Handling STL and DICOM files. Taking full advantage of the files
8-10 May 2025 (Thu-Sat), Warsaw – Session 2, TMJ and Splints
(Dr. Domingo, Dr. Alberto)
TMJ: anatomy, histology, physiology and physiopathology
CBCT and MRI interpretation
Degenerative Joint Disease – Diagnosis and Treatment
How to manage the patient with TMD with aligners
Splints – Full Coverage splint, 3 piece splint, distraction splint and anterior splint. Indications and use.
4D records interpretation – Vertical first: how to plan treatment mechanics in 3D
Clinical practice – Muscle and joint palpation among doctors – Joint elongation, stretching and muscle management
10-12 July 2025 (Thu-Sat), Warsaw – Session 3, Multidisciplinary treatment and aligner therapy – FAS system (Dr. Domingo, Dr. Alberto)
Orthodontic finishing with digital smile design
Implementing the prosthodontist’s indications in the orthodontic finishing missing laterals: opening, closing mechanics.
Orthodontic finishing aimed at a ‘Minimal Invasive Preparation’
Orthodontics and Periodontics: Diagnosis, Treatment Plan and Treatment Mechanics
The use of osseointegrated implants as anchorage – how, when and management introduction to FAS (aligner system)
FAS Wizard
Occlusal Design and presentation of cases treated with FAS: Review of all the digital procedures, Q&A and doubts
FAS: STOP and GO – when, why and how
6-8 November 2025 (Thu-Sat), Warsaw – Session 4, Straight wire appliance (SWA) and treatment mechanics (Dr. Renato)
Treatment mechanics in the permanent dentition: 1st, 2nd and 3rd phase
Closing mechanics, treatment protocols
Anchorage: concepts and management
Treatment Sequence and Wire Sequence
The use of transpalatal bars: concept, theory and practice
Orthodontic palatal structures with Benefit® implant
Mixed dentition mechanics and protocols
MARPE: Non surgical palatal expansion supported by palatal screws
Concept of Vertical Control
Digital planning for vertical control
Straight wire appliance (SWA): Concept and development
TBA, Warsaw or Parma, Session 5, Orthognathic Surgery (Dr. Renato)
Planning of surgical cases
Digital treatment protocols
Bimaxillary ortosurgery of Class 2 and Class 3 cases
Treatment of asymmetry case
Surgical treatment of open bites
TBA , Warsaw, Session 6, Mixed Dentition (Dr. Domingo, Dr. Renato/Dr. Alberto)
Mixed Dentition: Concepts and Management
Strategy of Mixed Dentition Treatment
Management of the Transverse Dimension – Expansion
Treatment Protocols in Mixed Dentition
Importance of 1st phase of Treatment
Treatment Mechanics in 1st Phase Treatment
Extractions in Mixed Dentition – Concept of Serial Extraction and Enucleations
Early Treatment of Class II Vertical Patients
Class III: Treatment Possibilities – when and what to do
Concept of Decoronation
Presentation of Mixed Dentition Cases